My Favorite Imported Wines
Hello everyone!
For me, wine is treated the same way as dessert. You enjoy it in moderation and often times during certain occasions. I want to share with you a few of my favorite imported wines I’ve discovered, particularly from Trader Joe’s that are inexpensive. It wasn’t until more than halfway through college I started finding flavors I loved. So if you’re still exploring this realm, here are a few suggestions. Just know, that wine is alcohol and alcohol is meant to be enjoyed RESPONSIBLY for those of you 21 and over (in the United States).
Schloss Biebrich
This is my all-time favorite brand of sparkling wine from Germany. I like the original Sekt (sparkling wine) because it’s not too sweet,and has a crisp taste to it. This one has a sort of pale yellow color to it and it’s fairly light so I typically drink it with a light lunch, a salad, or just by itself. I also enjoy the Rosé Sekt as well so the color is going to have more on the pink side, but I would say the difference is that it’s a little bit sweeter for $6.99 per bottle.
Rose Sekt
Les Portes de Bordeaux
This is a French brand I enjoy on occasion. I feel like Bordeaux (southwest of France) is like the Napa Valley of France. I’m not a fan of red wines, but whenever my roommate asks me to pick up a red wine on the way home, this brand is always my first choice. I do admit the red has a mildly strong dry taste, but my preference leans more towards the lighter and sweeter selections. In the past, I have enjoyed the rosé because it’s on the sweeter side, but not as sweet as the Schloss Biebrich Rose Sekt. I do know they have others such as sauvignon blanc, rosé, and vin rouge… at least those are the only three I’ve seen in stores. I would say I’ve paid around $7 per bottle.
Ernest Rapeneau À Epernay
This brand is primarily champagne and it’s obviously more of a special occasion wine. I remember when my roommate won a screenwriting contest she asked me to pick up champagne and it’s not real champagne if it isn’t from Champagne, France otherwise it’s just sparkling wine; make sure to read the labels careful for the import information. I bought this for roughly $10. I personally find it to have a bit of a dry taste and a little sweet, so if that’s typically what you have a taste for, here’s an option for your next celebratory occasion!
I don’t know if you were expecting a long list of wine recommendations, but these are the three generally inexpensive imported brands I always buy. I sparingly will try anything new unless wine options are out of my control (i.e. restaurant selections, dinner at a friend’s place, etc.) I find it funny when I tell people I love German wine in which I get the usual “Germans are known for wine…?” response. Even though Germany is mostly famous for their beer, but they do have good wine. I hope this gives you a chance to learn little bit about imported wine. I will say that Trader Joe’s is where it’s at if you want a taste of something international for a low cost! You can also click the internal links to learn more about the brands.